Friday, October 17, 2008


I guess this will be the last post required for this course. But of course it will not be the last post ever.
After going through the course for 14 weeks, I think I definitely have something to reflect upon it.
1) What do I like about blogging?
-I admit that I'm not a very confident person who is able to talk whatever ideas that struck into my mind to the public. So,through blogging, I can freely and comfortably expressing whatever I want to say.

2)What I do not like about blogging?
- Well, as blogging really makes me comfortable to express my words, I don't think that there is anything about blogging that I don't like.

3) What have I gained from blogging?How?
- The posts that I've typed are visible to public. And most importantly, they are visible to my lecturer and friends. So, in a way, through blogging, I can improve on my language skills as I need to be very precise with the choice of words and grammar so that my writing really reflects me as a becoming English teacher.

4) What do I like about the course?
- This course opens my eyes that there is a new and fresh atmosphere of providing pupils with teaching materials. The integration of technology in preparing the materials is something that should be considered by all teachers so that to bring in more fun and interesting elements.

5) What I don't like about the course?
- This is not something that I really don't like. But it is something that makes me experience a hard time. This is due to the time constraint to accomplish a particular task. Perhaps it has something to do with my time management. So, I don't think that the hard time is 100% coming from the course itself.

6) What I have learnt from the course?
- I have learnt that it is important to have communication with friends.This is evident when I have discussion with my friends to clarify on the requirements of a particular task. It really helps me in preparing the task.Besides, I learnt that it is crucial to engage in self learning. For example, when we were required to do photo editing, I explore and engage in trial-and-error session to know every feature in the Adobe Photoshop as it was the first time for me to use the software.
7)What I don't expect but have learnt from the course
- It's not just I've never expect of, but honestly, I've never been exposed to the term "E-book".So it is a very precious opportunity for me to be able to know and construct the e-book. Besides, I've also never expected to do tutorials. This is the first exposure for me. However, these unexpected things really have widened my knowledge.

8) What I have expected but not learnt from the course
- I have expecting to learn creating cartoon animation. However, even though I don't have the chance to learn it, I'm still satisfied and thankful to learn all the skills that are provided in this course.
9) If you can change anything about the course, state and explain what it is
- In my opinion, there is nothing about this course that should be changed. This is because it has served as a medium for me to improve and gain my skills and knowledge related to technology.

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